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Windows XP and Vista: Disable System Tray Icons

By KarlM
If you hardly use the system tray icons in your Windows system to quickly access some Windows programs, it isn’t that hard to disable the aforementioned icons. Also, numerous system tray icons make the system tray look cluttered and cumbersome; so you can disable the icon system on your computer’s desktop.

This tutorial will allow you to disable or hide the Windows system tray icons in virtually no time at all.

How to Disable or Hide the Windows System Tray Icons

• Go to the ‘Run’ entry bar. Type in the command [regedit.exe].
• Navigate to this registry key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\Explorer]
• Inspect the “NoTrayItemsDisplay” entry in DWORD. Check whether or not the NoTrayItemsDisplay is available. If it is not, modify the NoTrayItemDisplay entry value to “1”. Create the NoTrayItemDisplay entry and give it a “1” value.
• Upon completion of modifying or creating the aforementioned register, restart your computer. Afterwards, you will see that all system tray icons are now disabled.

Within the Windows System Timer, you can hide the system clock by going to the taskbar, right-clicking it, and going to the “Properties” tab. Turn off the option that says “Show Clock”.

Tip: To re-enable this disabled option, go to the Windows Registry and erase the entry for “NoTrayItemDisplay”.

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