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Windows Aero in Vista

By geanne_cleojer
In a lot of ways, Windows Aero is the same as the recent versions of the Windows GUI, similar to the one used in Windows XP. Aero organizes information in the on-screen window and uses icons in representing files, folders and applications. However, Aero also has other features that may be thought of as upgrades to the Windows XP GUI. It has three-dimensional window objects that can be moved and adjusted in any direction. In Aero Glass, the borders of each window become translucent so that the desktop or other windows behind it can also be seen. The clear border allows you to focus on your work instead of on your interface.
In Vista, the simple, static icons representing several files in older Windows GUIs may also be replaced with more complicated live icons. Live icons provide up-to-date previews of each file in thumbnail view. Looking at a document's live icon, one can see the actual appearance of the document rather than looking at an icon for the program that created it. You may also look at file contents before opening them in the Explorer preview pane.

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