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Removing unnecessary features in Windows Vista

By geanne_cleojer
Windows Vista has many features that users do not need. These features are installed by default and can slow down your computer. The following tips can show how you can uninstall or turn off these features and can give you more storage space for other important programs.
By using the Windows Features utility, you can uninstall these Windows Features. Follow these steps to uninstall applications such as the Windows Fax and Scan and many more:
1. Go to the Start Button then choose Control Panel.
2. Choose Programs, then choose Uninstall a program .
3. On the side menu, choose Turn Windows features on or off .
4. You will fine that there are list, you will then remove the check from any feature you do not want installed.
5. Choose OK after you made your changes.
You can now use your computer more effectively after going through these simple steps.

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