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How to Reopen a Closed Firefox Tab

By dwarkarao
I know there have been hundreds of times when you accidentally close the tabs of the Mozilla Firefox browser while you are browsing. Later you have tp spend number of minutes to back to that particular closed link.

Just for a case, suppose that you are looking for an item to buy on eBay, Amazon or any other online stores. After spending hours, you come close with a good deal. Then by mistake you close that tab. Yes, I know it is a painful situation to go through.

No matter how careful you are, such things tend to happen. But you need not sit on your computer desk with your hand on your head.

Mozilla has understood the pain, so they have come up with a solution to solve this problem. Just by hitting few keys, you can get back your closed Firefox tab. Below are the steps:

Once you hit CTRL + SHIFT + T, Firefox automatically opens the tab which was closed most recently. And if your press CTRL + SHIFT + T again, it will open the tab that was closed just before the most recently closed tab. It will reopen all the closed Firefox tabs in the reverse order, if you keep pressing on Ctrl + Shift + T.


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