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File Name: FindNTFS (111.9 KB) Download
Author: Svend Olaf Mikkelsen (Uploaded by Sami)
Date Added: 02-22-2007
Downloads: 4335
Grade: A+
Free NTFS data recovery tool. Lists the content of an NTFS partition, or copies files.

In order to be able to use FindNTFS, you will need to know the cylinder, head, sector address of the partition, which in most cases can be found using the Findpart utility. Use the "Start CHS" numbers. Example: Make a file listing for the NTFS partition (ID 07) at disk 2, cylinder 0, head 1, sector 1:
findntfs 2 0 1 1 files files.txt
To copy the directory that in files.txt has the number 117, and subdirectories to that directory:
findntfs 2 0 1 1 copy 117
Or to just copy all found files, including system files:
findntfs 2 0 1 1 showsys copy
The files will be copied to current directory, and to subdirectories to current directory.
Or try: (example for disk 2, cylinder 0, head 1, sector 1):
findntfs listmft 2 0 1 1
This will save search results in the file listmft.bin. If you want to search another location, or use other search parameters, then go to a new directory, or delete the current file listmft.bin. If you want to copy files, run the command from a partition with free space.
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