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Downloads [Download Power Defragmenter]
File Name: Power Defragmenter (Unknown Size) Download
Author: eXcessive Software (Uploaded by Sami)
Date Added: 03-02-2006
Downloads: 2228
Grade: A+
Power Defragmenter is based on Sysinternals defragmentation "engine".

Basically its just a very advanced GUI for the Sysinternals core application which takes defragmentation process to a whole new level.

Very high defragmentation speed, efficiency and ease of use.
Downloads [Download Power Defragmenter]

02-16-2007 at 03:21 PM
I am a WinXP SP2 user.

I think this software is faulty or not compatable with WinXP SP2.
After trying to open the 'Power Defragmenter GUI.exe' file, the message
' cannot find contig.exe' appears.
The file ' Power Defragmenter GUI.exe ' file was the only file in the download.

Any comments ?

03-13-2007 at 01:53 PM
Hi Adrian,

When you download the Power Defragmenter and try to open it, it will not open you get the message cannot find (contig.exe). Please make sure Contig.exe is place next to the Power Defragmenter.exe program, now you have to download the contig.exe from its website. After both files is download and unziped, place the Power Defragmenter in the contig.exe folder then click on Power Defragmenter then you will see Power Defragmenter then click on next and it will ask you what defragmenatation mode then you can go on from there.

I know this will help you.
12-01-2007 at 07:39 AM
hi all .. fragmentation = big problem

i cant find how to up load to this section

so below is the best sloution iv found sofar

1# google:: defrag 2000 free

2# O&O Defrag 2000 Freeware Edition 3.5.562

if someone knows how to add to tha downloads .. letmeknow

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