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Old 02-01-2007, 07:57 PM
Allens229 Allens229 is offline
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Default Bios wont recognize cd rom

I have a sony vaio pcg-vx88 and I have a sony vaio PCGA-CRWD2 SRX VX X505 X505ZP i.Link DVD/CDRW, my bios doesnt seem to recognize the drive, so that I can boot from it, I need it to so that I can install my operating system, someone please help.

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Old 02-02-2007, 12:48 AM
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when you say link dvd/cdrw, are you referring to a usb connection? If so your motherboard must support that or it's not possible.


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Old 02-02-2007, 08:00 AM
Cobalt Cobalt is offline
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That drive sports a firewire connection and, as long as your motherboard supports it, is DOS-bootable, so in theory your BIOS should recognise the drive and allow you to boot from it.

I have checked the drives specification and it is compatible with your laptop, so my only guess is either an incorrect BIOS revision or a faulty cable/controller somewhere along the line.

Does the drive spin up or give any indication that it is actually on? If so, does the read light flash when you insert a disc? If possible, pay close attention to the POST and following screens to see what drives are listed - you may need to press and hold a key to see this information as many newer machines hide this information and instead show users a more "friendly" screen.

If you can provide a little more information I may be able to help narrow it down a little.


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