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Old 01-24-2008, 02:39 PM
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Did you use the "update driver" tab

Did you do a system restore to when you first installed Vista?

You might try to uninstall the optical drives by deleting the drivers and then rebooting and seeing if a new driver will be installed that way.

I would even try:
uninstall the drivers, shut down the system and actually remove the optical drives by unpluging the IDE cable and the 4 pin molex power connector.
Then restart the computer and r click 'my computer' > explore > dbl click C drive and then click on chkdisc. Have the system perform a chkdisc at reboot. Besure to check the repair option when prompted....Then run a reg cleaner to locate the unneeded drivers and remove them (google for Ccleaner as it will work fine for this)...reboot the system and After it has done the chkdisc then shut back down and reinstall ONE of the optical drives and see if the driver can be installed correctly. If so, then shut back down and reinstall the second drive and see it is does the same.

Keep us posted!

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