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Old 01-24-2008, 02:10 PM
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Browser Firefox 2 missing optical drives...

Having finally upgraded to Vista ultimate and binned my XP partition all together I was quite happy with Vista as an OS.

However, having done an update of Office 2007 and Dreamscene suddenly both my DVD rewriter and my cd/rw have stopped working.

I can see them in device manager but they are both saying corrupt drivers. I have uninstalled them and rebooted but still I get the error code 39 (drivers are missing or corrupt). When I search the internet for new drivers via Windows Update it tells me that both have the most up to date drivers installed, but both just come up as CD-ROM.

My DVD r/w is AOpen but they dont have Vista drivers on the site and my CD/RW is just a generic Atapi device. Both are ATA.

I have uninstalled the updates which semed to cause the problem but no change. I dont get how they are now not working after been using them for 4 days without problem.

Any ideas ?

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