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Old 12-12-2006, 06:08 PM
Mastertech Mastertech is offline
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My prefeth is on, it is my automatic prefetch which is turned off, there is little time for my computer to do updates except during defrags, so i do this myself. Also the programs within my prefetch do not change and would not change even if i had this active. It is only because i have tested many different methods of running prefetch that i have chosen to do this, as well as it complements the other modifications i have made to my windows/registry.
There is no such thing. What you stated makes absolutely no sense. You cannot turn it on but turn off automatic prefetching. That doesn't even make any sense. Prefetching is automatic and if you change anything from the defaults you will slow down Windows Boot and your application load times.

"Spring Cleaning" is irrelevant and pointless. The prefetch folder only stores up tp 128 prefetch trace files. The folder is automatically cleaned when it reaches this limit back to the most used 32 applications. The extra files do nothing but take up a ridiculously small amount of disk space usually under 5MB.

Telling anyone to change ANY prefetch setting, tweak or adjust it in anyway for any reason is bad advice period. If you disagree then that is because you did not read all of the above links and still do not understand how this works.

I don't care what people mess with, the problem is when the advice REDUCES performance and to a lesser extent does nothing. I've tried them all and the XP Myths page lists the most popular ones that do not work. Tweaks and "advice" about prefetching are some of the worst since they all reduce performance.

Last edited by Mastertech; 09-19-2007 at 04:01 PM..
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