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Old 09-03-2011, 06:48 PM
kaycee kaycee is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 76
kaycee is on a distinguished road


I've figured out a more straight forward process on how to solve such issues.. it could also work for other issues that are related to that..

You will need to delete the upper and lower filter from registry.
1. Tap Window key (flag key on the keyboard) and R key on the keyboard, at once.
2. You would see the Run window on the screen. Type Regedit in the open field and click OK.
3. Click plus sign (or arrow) next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
4. Click plus sign (or arrow) next to System
5. Click plus sign (or arrow) next to CurrentControlSet
6. Click plus sign (or arrow) next to Control
7. Click plus sign (or arrow) next to Class
8. In the left hand window pane click {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} to select that key
9. In the right hand window pane select the UpperFilters registry key and press the delete key on the keyboard Confirm with an OK
10. In the right hand window pane select the LowerFilters registry key and press the delete key on the keyboard Confirm with an OK
11. Click on the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the Registry Editor window to close it


12. Open the device manager window Tap (Window key (flag key on the keyboard) and R key on the keyboard, at once) Type in devmgmt.msc
13. Expand DVD/CD-ROM Drives and right click on the device and select uninstall.
14. After uninstalling, plese click on the system icon on the top and select "scan for new hardware changes".

The systm will update and will fix the problem.

you may also try these steps when u experience certain errors in relation to CD/DVD ROMs.

it also fixes those related to modems that appear as CD roms on my computer window.

hope it works for any other person who experiences same issue.

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