I have formatted several computers in the past, with no problems what so ever, but today was different.I was trying to format my hard drive and install a fresh copy of Windows XP. Well, when it came to the screen that asks if I want to repair or delete the drive, I clicked delete as I uaually do. Well, I have 2 hard drives on my system, drive C: which my OS is on and drive D: which I had all my photos and music and even important papers. Well it started to run the format, I just noticed down at the bottom of the screen that it was formatting drive D:

so I hurried and pressed the cancel button. Then had to start over again to format C:, this time paying closer attention. Well, everything went fine this time with the install but when I went to check my drive D: It was gone!!! All my important stuff and priceless photos that I had saved were all gone! So I need advice Please Help ME! I want these back!