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Old 08-06-2007, 04:41 PM
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Default Another two mysterious problem...

1. Bullets magically appear in front of links. I can't seem to find any ref's to them. What key word should I be looking for in my template?

2. The entire body content went "center" rather than align left between the last time I visited the page and the next. I can't find any "center" that should not be there. Any idea as to what to look for?

For the readers: I have discovered why my sidebar often looks larger then it should be when I am testing and mucking about on my test site...and the contents of the sidebar go all wonky... the footer size should match the body content size, or be a bit smaller; e.g. if body size is 800 the footer should be around 600 or maybe 400...any larger, and it will "push" the contents of the side bar off the page...this took ages to figure out! Once I tracked that down, all fell into place...

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