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Old 07-30-2007, 12:51 PM
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Default Web Page Construction.

Well, its going to take some initiative by someone at your end to establish a forum, first...then you may as well transfer our discussions over to it to give it some substance to start with, and show folks what it is all about.

Was anyone going to respond to my last set of questions, or shall I wait until "we" launch the new site?

For purely selfish reasons, I had hoped for just a "helper" forum rather than a tutorial forum, although that might be the best place for it "TUTORIALS and HOW TO'S" I am a learn by doing sort of guy...instructions totally confuse me...I need the visual learning cues to work around. Like to tear things down to see how they work. I've also found that if we had a standard template, and since blogs are all the rage, and blogs are at hand...they can be used to prepare a teaching template...showing what goes where and what happens when "what" goes there...that is a big help to me, as I muddle my way along and insert <!---notes on the fly--->

Let me know if you need any help bouncing ideas around. I'm an avid learner.


Last edited by b1caez01; 07-31-2007 at 01:05 PM..
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