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Old 07-26-2007, 06:18 AM
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Default Web Page Development - Blog Templates - How to?

Do "we" have a forum for those of us fumbling about with blog templates? I've searched the net for help already, before coming here...

I am messing about with my template. I find lots of "things" to do with it, but the most annoying part is that for all the scripts that can be inserted, no one seems to be able to tell the readers WHERE to put the scripts so that they work.

I've been "sourcing" web sites to try to learn where "what" goes "where." One can go to any URL, then up to the Tool Bar => "View>Page Source" Any page on the net can be accessed this way, and the scripts are there to be had.

Take for example... I have four blogs on the is specifically set up as a test site for experimentation...


Each seems to have a slightly different template, and no two are alike... so mimicking one template over more than one blog site is takes a fair bit of juggling.

Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to activate an image, so that when you tap on it, you are redirected to another site. e.g. by tapping on an image I can direct the reader to one or more of my blogs without them having to search the web for them. Yes, I know links can be set up, but it looks a bit more interesting if images do the work, rather than words.

Here is a simple working example...
<br /><br /><a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a></dd>

This will put a GOOGLE search image on my blog...but it is too large and forces the side bar to the bottom of the page if it is inserted where I had it, in the side bar...along with some of my other images. It will appear at the bottom of the page instead. Therefore, I need to reduce its size without negating its purpose. That is another issue.

So...1. reduce size and 2. where to locate script so it appears where I want it

Any suggestions...

Last edited by b1caez01; 07-31-2007 at 12:44 PM..
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