I will now tell my sad story of trials and tribulations. My 23 yr old son sometimes uses my computer. He likes ****, I don't. Besides those sites are notorious for sending bad things along with them. Anyway I got a program called disk kill that was supposed to remove the ****. I started what I thought was a scan, but after running for about a minute the screen went black.Puter shut down on reboot,the error msg. I downloaded xp pro utility setup with 6 floppy's. I got them all loaded, but windows will still only open when running The Boot CD. On the CD it has a set up device but it asks for a file to open windows with but will not accept and of the options given. I guess this would be a good time to say I don't have a setup cd. I bought the puter with XP Pro on it. Windows recognizes it a being legal for downloading updates, it passed validation. I can access the internet throu the boot cd but can't access things like control panel, programs, startup, etc.I downloaded RegClean but it won't run. So My other woe, I'm just full of them today, aren't I? I broke my back,can't work and of course, you guessed it, I'm short of money. I mean I'm so broke that if it took a quarter to go around the world, I couldn't get out of sight!! So this is where I ask for someone to provide the miracle. Tell me how to sort this mess out and get back to normal. I have registry back ups but they are in my documents and I can't get to them. HELP!! Thanks in advance for your kind consideration of this matter SARGE

P.S. I also can't start in in safe mode, In BIOS set up it doesn't give me the option to go to last known in advance options.