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Old 07-29-2011, 02:46 PM
DominicD DominicD is offline
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Hello blueplanet,

Glad that you found the previous post to be helpful.

I don’t have first hand experience using MS SQL Server 2005, but below is a link to what I found on the net..

A blog post from here tells the author’s experience with exporting an access file to the sql server 2005 database.

You can read his experiences and observations on his post.. and then near the end of his post, he explains using a tool called “Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access v5.1

He provided a link to a word document that details the step-by-step instructions.

Here is a link to the Word document direct from his blog

In case the link does not work, I reuploaded the word document a MediaFire


Note that from the Word document, he cited some software requirements before the installation of Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access. I’ve read through the word document, and below are the latest and updated links for downloading the prerequisite software..


Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86)


Microsoft Visual J# Version 2.0 Redistributable Package


Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access v5.1


Goodluck on this

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