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Old 06-29-2010, 12:21 PM
NonTechnicalGuy NonTechnicalGuy is offline
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Default After Reformat, I have No Internet

Hey guys, this is my first post, but my friend told me that this website is very helpful and the community is really supportive, so I decided to give it a shot.

Earlier this week my computer started acting crazy, and I later came to find out that I had malware on my computer. So, I reformatted my computer and installed Windows XP from scratch.

Windows XP is working fine, but the only problem is that I had Linksys installed and working fine before I reformatted, but now my computer doesn't detect that the Linksys wireless is in my computer, and it won't connect to the Linksys Router in my living room.

Is there anyway to get my system to recognize the hardware in my computer and have it connect to the router like before? I have the Setup Wizard for Linksys, but I think it's for the router and not actually for my computer (because you must have internet for that particular setup, which doesn't make sense).

I hope that my post made sense, if you need any further information just ask.

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