Thread: [Question] cmd.exe in SafeMode
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Old 01-17-2010, 04:03 PM
Daugust Daugust is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Unhappy cmd.exe in SafeMode


A few months back I changed settings on my Dell PC so it would open in Safe Mode. I rarely use this computer, pretty much I use it to "play" with the computer, changing settings etc.

Now we need it as one of our laptops is down.

Here's what I have:

Dell PC Dimension 4300S

OS is WinXP

Here's what happens (two things)

#1. It does not boot immediately to Safe Mode. It takes FOREVER and then opens to a black screen that tells me to PRess F1 to continue, or F2 to go to setup. If I press F1 to continue, it proceeds to Safe Mode, EXCEPT

#2. It never opens in Safe Mode. It opens to a black screen that has cmd.exe in the top ribbon and c:.Documents and Settings\Dee> on the actual screen.

I'm sure if I just knew a command prompt I could get it to open but this is where the computer is stuck. I just it to open in Windows. I can't even get to System Restore. This is a setting that I changed. Trouble is it was several months ago, and I can't remember what I did.

Yes I know, if I don't know what to do why do I do it? <grin> but I just like playing around with computers. Unfortunately I'm stuck now and need your help. Thanks in advance.


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