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Old 03-18-2009, 06:54 AM
bhanuk bhanuk is offline
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Exclamation Problem when creating batch file for shutdown multiple computers in LAN

hi all,

I am working as a system administrator around with 90 systems and using server 2003.all systems are windows xp

I want to shutdown all 90 systems at can be possible with batch file using "SHUTDOWn" command
I worte the batch file using that command but it is not working

My Batch file like this

Shutdown -s -m \\Test1 -t 60 -c "Your systems will be shutdown within 1 minite. please save your work"
Shutdown -s -m \\Test2 -t 60 -c "Your systems will be shutdown within 1 minite. please save your work"
Shutdown -s -m \\Test3 -t 60 -c "Your systems will be shutdown within 1 minite. please save your work"
Shutdown -s -m \\Test4 -t 60 -c "Your systems will be shutdown within 1 minite. please save your work"

this is my batch file.this is not working...please help me..

Note: When i exceute the same command form command prompt it will work fine...for that i have to type that same command for 90 times to shutdown all compters.

i am using another batch shows like this...

@Echo off
Echo bunny=Program
REM ****************************
REM * Program Variables *
REM ****************************

set varcomputer=Test1
goto loop

set varcomputer=Test2
goto loop


REM ****************************
REM * Program *
REM ****************************

echo Shutting down %varcomputer%.
shutdown -s -m \\%varcomputer% -t 600 -c “The computer is shutting down. Please save your work.”
goto %varcomputer%

This is also not working..

Please any body help me....or tell me the code for do that...

Thanks in Advance..

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