of the best...

although I did have trouble with earlier versions of "Diskeeper Lite"...but then, that's just one user and one computer with a quirky nature and a head of its own.
Back from the jungle: o.k., I tried the new
Diskeeper Premier what a GUI...fiddled with all the settings...
From a non-techincal point of view, this program would be best left to the techies. Us common folk might get lost in the displays of options...I found it difficult to be able to tell what was enabled and when, and what wasn't. Trolls are like that

I had run both of the much, much simpler appearing progs previously noted... and then ran Diskeeper to see if any changes were made.
Not one... In fact, it may have been because it was waiting for idle time to respond. How it defines "idle time" is not obviously made known. That would give me to wonder, just when it would kick in...if it is
automatic real time, then when does the real time actually occur? Personally, I would prefer, if it defined "real time" as our anti-virus programs do. But, that's just me.
I agree that automatic defragmentation would be beneficial in a commercial, network, or high volume setting; but I wonder if it would be suitable for the ordinary "Joe..." on a day to day basis, with the opposite set of circumstances.
I uninstalled it, and put it back on the shelf

At least, I tried it.