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Old 04-28-2008, 09:30 AM
benzaloy benzaloy is offline
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Default Java in Windows

Please forgive me. Can I remove ALL 3 of them. Or remove the 2, 3 updates
and leave in the the LAST update.

I fear if I remove ALL of them, Java will not give me my CHESS programs.
Except for these 3 items there are no other Java item in my system.

Please bear in mind I am old, and there4 a slow learner, and quite new and dumb of this internet world.

Your advice on Note Book worked well. As I clicked 'word wrap' I felt very foolish indeed. I will leave an entry in there later.

On the Adobe issue I inferred you yelling at me 'What the hell are you messing around there for man?' . . . You didn't tell me what a PDF Reader is . . . and I deleted Adobe Reader and also Foxit PDF Reader that used 3.78 my 'free space' has risen from 1.01 GB to 1.29 GB.

thanks a lot Lurks, I am very grateful to you, ben aloysius

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